Human-Centered Design


This word has grown in popularity over the years, resulting in people all around the country attempting to shift their perspectives. However, this change of view can be hard to accomplish when designing solutions to problems within our organizations. When we create a solution, we build around our preconceived bias about what the user needs. 

Human-Centered Design focuses on the user experience and issues rather than requiring the user to adapt to the developed product. As a result, this innovative way of approaching solution design saves unnecessary costs and effort. 

Human-Centered Design is at the core of our Innovation Leadership BluePrint. This design process seeks to disrupt the status quo and create massive value, generating sustained results. 

Below you will find one step you can take when building out solutions in your organization.

It all begins with Empathy.

Here, we define empathy as the ability to understand the problem through the user’s viewpoint, much like walking a day in the end-user’s shoes. 

To take learning from Steven R. Covey, before building out your solution, first seek to understand what the problem really is. 

In one of our bonus episodes, Jeff Amerine relays how American Freight was notorious for placing the IT department employees in the cab next to the drivers. These professionals would build solutions that solved the problem with solutions that worked for the end-user. The IT department would start with the end in mind. 

One crucial step is to constantly validate or disprove your preconceived biases by asking questions to better understand the problem. 

Human-Centered Design is a topic that I could not do justice in a single blog post. I invite you to listen to a 10-minute podcast where the Jeffs dive into human-centered design.